New Zealand Doctor Rata Aotearoa
New Zealand Doctor is a niche publication aimed primarily at GPs and general practice, providing up-to-date news in print and online. Our brief is broad – if it affects general practice, its business, staff, patients or ethos we’re interested.
Published monthly, the newspaper is staffed by a team of experienced journalists, including reporters in Wellington and Dunedin, who are dedicated to providing comprehensive coverage of news and current affairs relevant to primary care.
Also drawing on a wide range of commentators we delve into the political and philosophical issues facing the health sector.
Pharmacy Today | Kaitiaki Rongoā o te Wā
Pharmacy Today is the leading pharmacy publication in New Zealand. Research shows that Pharmacy Today has virtually saturated market coverage, with 97% of pharmacists and pharmacy staff reading the publication each month. Published monthly, Pharmacy Today provides independent news, opinion and education aimed at pharmacy business owners and their staff.
Pharmacy Today's website is the place to go for daily news and opinion, as well as being the easiest place to undertake continued professional development for all pharmacy staff. Supporting the web platform are a lively Facebook page and weekly newsletter @PharmacyToday.
The Healthcare Handbook
An essential guide for all pharmacy staff, as well as an accredited pharmacy audit text. The Healthcare Handbook is a convenient, comprehensive, single reference text for New Zealand pharmacies and learning institutions.
Providing concise, editorially independent and up-to-date information on a broad range of common conditions, along with the appropriate medication options, the Healthcare Handbook is suitable for use by assistants, technicians, students and pharmacists.
Advertising packages are available for all budgets in the Healthcare Handbook.

Everybody Patient Sheets
Written by independent medical writers, Everybody patient sheets are a consumer information resource designed to be given to the patient, at the right moment, directly after consultation with a health professional.
If you are a New Zealand registered health professional, Everybody patient sheets are available free of charge, and can be downloaded for quick ease of use. The sheets are customised so that your name is shown on the material, enabling your patient to remember who provided the resource.
Advertising packages are available on this product for suitable advertisers.
New Zealand Primary Healthcare Awards
The New Zealand Primary Healthcare Awards | He Tohu Mauri Ora showcase innovation, collaboration and superlative outcomes in the primary healthcare sector.
A strong primary care sector is crucial to a successful New Zealand health system, providing great care for patients and a great work environment.
The Health Media believes the awards will encourage collaboration and innovation in primary care, and allow the healthcare sector in general, and the public, to see how hard primary care practitioners work to improve the health and wellbeing of all New Zealanders, and keep them out of the secondary care (hospital) system.